List of restaurants in the city of Terrassa -
Pets Census by neighborhoods and districts -
List of accommodations in the city of Terrassa -
List of pharmacies in the city of Terrassa -
Sports facilities
List of sports facilities in the city of Terrassa -
Directory of city streets
Directory of city streets -
Petrol stations
List of petrol stations in the city of Terrassa -
Catalogue of regulations apply in the City of Terrace
Overview of all municipal ordinances adopted by the City of Terrace and effective, with links to the respective regulatory documents and other regional or state regulations that... -
Terrassa City Council expenditure budget
Detail of all amounts that the City Council plans to spend in the current financial year indicating the approach by which spent -
Map with industrial parks boundaries
Map with industrial parks boundaries -
Area with parking restricted in Terrassa
Map of streets with restricted parking and loading and unloading zones at Terrassa -
Terrassa City Council revenue budget
Detail of all amounts that the City Council plans to deposit in the current financial year indicating the approach by which inputs: taxes, fees, public prices, transfers from... -
Terrassa City Council ordinances catalog
List of all municipal ordinances approved by Terrassa City Council and in force, with links to the respective normative documents -
City map with neighborhoods boundaries
City map with neighborhoods boundaries -
Gas Station Map at Terrassa
Map of de different petrol stations in the city of Terrassa -
Restaurants Map
Map of restaurants in the city of Terrassa -
Accommodations Map
Map of accommodations in the city of Terrassa -
Pharmacies map
Map of pharmacies in the city of Terrassa -
Pedestrian areas in Terrassa
Map of streets and pedestrian areas with bollards for hours at Terrassa -
Public Transport in Terrassa
Map of stops, routes and stations for city and intercity bus, train stations and taxi stops at Terrassa