Terrassa addresses (street-number)
List of the Terrassa's addresses with associated geographic information: district, census, neighborhood, zip code, utm, coordinates, etc. -
'Terrassa Ciutat Viva' Map
Map of 'Barris en Marxa' program with information about the status of the interventions to improve the public space -
Pets Census by neighborhoods and districts -
City map with neighborhoods boundaries
City map with neighborhoods boundaries -
Participation to the European Parliament elections Neighborhoods
Participation to the European Parliament elections per neighborhood -
Results European Parliament Neighborhoods
Results of European Parliament Elections per neighborhood -
Participation at Catalonian Parliament Elections Neighborhoods
Participation at Catalonian Parliament Elections per neighborhood -
Results Catalonian Parliament Elections
Results of Catalonian Parliament Elections per neighborhood -
Results General Elections Neighborhoods
Results of General Elections per neighborhood -
Inmigrations for district, quarter, nacionality, sex
Inmigrations for district, quarter, nacionality, sex -
Directory of city streets by neighborhood
Directory of city streets by neighborhood -
Participation to the General Elections Neighborhoods
Participation to the General Elections per neighborhood -
Inmigrations for district, quarter, place of origin
Inmigrations for district,quarter, place of origin -
Surface sidewalks, driveways and streets along the town of Terrace
Surface sidewalks, driveways in square meters and length in meters of streets in the town of Terrace -
Map General Elections 2015
Map of the participation and the 1st and 2nd parties voted for the district, General Elections 2015, with data about results by parties -
Deaths for district, quarter, nacionality, sex
Deaths for district, quarter, nacionality, sex -
Births for district, quarter, nacionality, sex
Births for district,quarter, nacionality, sex -
Households by district, neighborhood and number of residents
Households by district, neighborhood and number of residents. Data obtained at January the 1st -
Map Catalonian Parliament Elections 2015
Map of the participation and the 1st and 2nd parties voted for the district, Catalonian Parliament Elections 2015, with data about results by parties -
Participation at Municipal Elections Neighborhoods
Participation at Municipal Elections per neighborhood