Population by district - neighborhood, nacionality and gender
Population for district-quarter, nacionality and gender. Data obtained on January the 1st. -
Households with all members over 65 years by district, neighborhood
Households with all members over 65 years by district, neighborhood and number of residents. Data obtained at January the 1st -
Population by place of birth, district and neighborhood
Population by province and municipality of birth, district and neighborhood -
Emigrations for district, quarter, nacionality and gender
Emigrations for district, quarter, nacionality and gender -
Map Municipal Elections 2015
Map of the participation and the 1st and 2nd parties voted for the district, Municipal Elections 2015, with data about results by parties -
City street guide by district
City street guide by district -
opulation by district, quarter, age (year by year) and gender
Population by district, quarter, age (year by year) and gender -
Population by level of education, district, neighborhood and gender
Population by educational level, district, neighborhood and sex