Most Frequents surnames
Frequents surnames by year of birth of those born in Terrassa -
Terrassa health care facilities
Map with public health facilities in Terrassa -
Population by district, neighborhood and nacionality
Population for district, neighborhood, nacionality -
Deaths for district, quarter, nacionality, sex
Deaths for district, quarter, nacionality, sex -
Terrassa City Council contractor profile
List of all ongoing files of contracting works, supplies or services. 2008-2015 -
Historical of the city's activities agenda
Events on the city's activities agenda carried out during the last four years -
Population by health regions
Population by age, gender and health regions January 1 -
Inmigrations by place of origin and nacionality (spanish- foreigners)
Inmigrations by place of origin and nacionality (spanish- foreigners) -
Population for place of birth, nacionality and level of education
Population for place of birth, nacionality and level of education -
Map Catalonian Parliament Elections 2015
Map of the participation and the 1st and 2nd parties voted for the district, Catalonian Parliament Elections 2015, with data about results by parties -
Results European Parliament Neighborhoods
Results of European Parliament Elections per neighborhood -
Emigrations for nacionality and gender
Emigrations for nacionality and gender -
Surface sidewalks, driveways and streets along the town of Terrace
Surface sidewalks, driveways in square meters and length in meters of streets in the town of Terrace -
Results Autonomy Statute Reform Referendum Census
Results of Autonomy Statute Reform Referendum per census -
Parking maps in Terrassa
Map parkings and parking areas reserved for disabled people at Terrassa -
City street guide by postcode
City street guide by postcode -
Deaths for year, month, age, sex
Deaths for year, month, age, sex -
Births for year, month sex
Births for year, month sex -
City map with postcodes boundaries
City map with postcodes boundaries -
Population for level of education, place of birth and genre
Population for level of education, place of birth and genre. Data obtained at January the 1st